Wednesday, June 30, 2010


It's been awhile.
It was Seattle's Pride Sunday. I've never been to Pride and once again my plans to attend were foiled by an accelerator that broke. While I was driving. On the Freeway.

It was an insightful experience.

To continue, it was Kyle's graduation party. He was not so enthused. He doesn't like being the center of attention. Once I got there we sort of went to a corner. His grandmother was there though; Since I'm trying to present myself as a lovely young woman whom is best friend's with his son, I took out my nose ring, and put in a stud. I would not, however, hide any of my tattoos. All this effort was sort of...disqualified by the make-up I ended up having to wear to the party. My Pride make-up. I didn't have a chance to take it off before I showed up. I think she ended up thinking I was somewhat odd, but nice. I'll take that.

Monday, my sister and I hung out because she left of Costa Rica Tuesday. We ended up adopting a cat named Karma. She's a right dear, but very scared.

Kyle and I went for a long run around a near by track Monday night. Very enjoyable. I think I needed to have a friend tag along in order to really start this exercise thing. However, I didn't realize that my blister from the last time I ran (February) was so deep that it could easily resurface. Which it has. :/ Anyways, I've started running again. I've somewhat missed the muscle ache.

Today, is yet another Tie Dye Party; this time however, there will be more people. I'm excited to see how everything turns out. Many different artists, trying to create a unique piece of clothing is exciting!

I've tried working on FFRF essay. I've thought about it a lot, but I can't seem to get a good paper out of it. Which is a problem since the due date is tomorrow. I sort of feel like letting it slide and then hitting all of the next scholarships. I'm going to be doing scholarships for months, anyways. I might as well give myself a wee-bit of a vacation before I dive into things.

Friends are such interesting creatures.

On another note, I've been thinking about London a lot recently. I'm pretty excited about trying to get into this program. In fact, I'm pretty excited that I could really accomplish one of my dreams. I've wanted to go to London for so long, and I can't seem to put into words how much it would mean to me if I could actually go. Now that I'm going to consistently get fucked over by FAFSA for school, it's really motivated me to do so much better than I already am in order to get merit scholarships. Even if this makes me feel like the next years of my life are going to be stressful because of this fact.

I woke up at six this morning. I'm able to accomplish so much getting up this early. I think I'll continue it. I want to start working out twice a day, in the morning and at night, but this blister is pretty big, and I don't want to over work it. I'll just stick to running for an hour and a half at night.

I must away in order to continue setting up this Tie Dye Party.

Je parlè 'voyage, yeux des sirene.' Je ne l'ai vu pas de nouveau.

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